The Camberwell Years
This collection of paintings, drawings, and prints represents just a few examples from my time as a student at Camberwell Art School. Most of my student work has either been lost, destroyed, and even stolen by thieves, who if nothing else had great taste. A few were sold and some given away. I didn’t take many photographs. Photography was expensive in those days. Fortunately that is no longer the case, and students can easily, and cheaply, document their work.

These works are chosen from my Foundation year, 1980-1981, and the Fine Art course, 1981-1984. I have omitted prints made during my postgraduate year, 1984-1985. That’s something I may remedy in the future.
The photograph above shows three paintings that were inspired by a trip I made across Death Valley in 1980. My series of paintings, A Broken Land, harks back to this experience.