February 28, 2025
Answer to JavaScript Exercise Q3
//get the number and convert and assign it in one line
var inNum = parseFloat(window.prompt('Enter a number' , ''));
//this takes a few extra lines but is clearer
var inNum;
inNum = window.prompt('Enter a number' , '');
inNum = parseFloat(inNum);
var incNum = inNum;
for (var i=1; i <=5; i=i+1)
incNum = incNum + 2;
document.write(inNum + ' plus ' + (i * 2) + ' equals ' + incNum
+ '<BR>');
- The for loop increments the counter variable i by use of
You could write i++ but M150 avoids the use of this operator - As with so many programming problems there are many alternative solutions.
For example a while statement can be employed, although a for
loop is the obvious option since the number of loops is known in advance
(i.e. 5)
//same code as above
var i = 1; //declare and initialize a counter
while (i <=5)
incNum = incNum + 2;
document.write(inNum + ' plus ' + (i * 2) + ' equals ' + incNum + '<BR>');
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