February 28, 2025
Introduction to eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
XML is:
- A subset of SGML
- Developed for deployment over the Web (SGML is too complex for Web apps)
- Not a replacement for HTML
- As easy to use as HTML, but with the benefits of SGML. In other words it can be easily written in a text editor and yet it is formal and concise.
- Multi-platform (can be deployed on PC, Mac, PDA, mobile phone etc)
- Easily read - a text file
- Extensible - users can develop their own tags to convey the semantics of content.
- Non-proprietary
Here is an example of how data can be structured using XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO8859-1" ?>
<TITLE>Mystic River</TITLE>
<AUTHOR>Dennis Lehane</AUTHOR>
<GENRE>Crime Fiction</GENRE>
This XML file will hold data relating to a book collection. Note that an XML document must have a root element, in this case CATALOGUE (I could have called it anything I like - that's why it's eXtensible Markup Language). The nested element, BOOK, is a child element of CATALOGUE. Other child elements (TITLE, AUTHOR, GENRE, PUBLISHER, YEAR) have been further nested within the BOOK element. For simplicity I have included just one BOOK element. As with a relational database, this file could store thousands of identical data structures, each one representing the required data for a book.
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