February 28, 2025

Answer to JavaScript Password Exercise Q6



var password , numOfChars, i , isOK;
password = window.prompt('Enter a password, no spaces please!' , '');
numOfChars = password.length;
initialise i - this will reference the index of each character in the string
i= 0;
initialise a flag, this will be used as part of the condition to
start the loop and stop it if a space is detected
isOK = true;
while ((i < numOfChars)&& isOK)
  if (password.charAt(i) == ' ')
    isOK = false; // the loop will terminate
    i = i + 1;
//now check the flag
if (isOK)
  window.alert('Invalid, contains a space!');


  • The final else statement could be removed and the alert placed in the nested if statement where the flag has been set to false.
  • The code is set out in such a way as to illustrate the logic of the algorithm. Try and indent your code in order to provide structure; this will help anyone reading it.


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