February 28, 2025
Answer to JavaScript Password Exercise Q8
This function simply returns a boolean value in response to the dialogue confirmation
function checkEnter()
return confirm("Do you wish to enter a password?");
This function will accept a string as its argument. If the string is a single
space character, the function will return true,
else it returns false
function isSpace(str)
if (str == ' ')
return true;
return false;
//A neater approach to writing this function is
//to return the result of the condition in a single line
function isSpace(str)
return (str == ' ');
// ************ main program ************
var password , numOfChars, i , isOK;
if (checkEnter())
password = window.prompt('Enter a password, no spaces please!'
, '');
numOfChars = password.length;
//i references the index of each character in the string
//JavaScript strings start at 0
i= 0;
//initialise a flag, this will help start the loop
//and stop it if a space is detected
isOK = true;
while ((i < numOfChars)&& isOK)
if (isSpace(password.charAt(i)))
isOK = false; // the loop will terminate
i = i + 1;
//now check the flag
if (isOK)
window.alert('Invalid, contains a space!');
}//end of outer if branch
window.alert("Access denied.");
- A for loop could be used instead of a while
for(var i=0;(i < numOfChars) && isOK; i = i + 1)
if (password.charAt(i) == ' ')
isOK = false; // the loop will terminate
} - As far as M150 is concerned, a while loop will always do the job of a for loop. This is not always the case when programming with JavaScript. Go here to read about the continue, which is not taught on M150.
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