February 28, 2025
Answer to JavaScript Arrays Exercise Q9
The following is the code for both parts (i) and (ii). The function for part (ii) appears first.
This function takes an array of mountain name strings
and corresponding heights.
[name1 , height1, name2, height2 ...etc].
Returns the name of the highest mountain,
function getHighestName(anArray)
var highest, highestName;
highest = anArray[1];
highestName = anArray[0];
for (var j = 3 ; j < anArray.length; j = j + 2)
if (anArray[j] > highest)
highest = anArray[j];
highestName = anArray[j - 1];
return highestName;
//Answer to part(i)
var name, height, mountains, index;
mountains = new Array();
index = 0;
while (mountains.length < 10) //or index < 10
name = window.prompt('Enter name of mountain','');
mountains[index] = name;
height = window.prompt('Enter height in metres','');
height = parseInt(height);
mountains[index + 1] = height;
index = index + 2;
//display a list of names in a single box
//initialize a string
var displayStr = '';
for (var i = 0; i < mountains.length; i= i + 2)
displayStr = displayStr + mountains[i] + '\n';
window.alert('The list of mountains is:' + '\n' + displayStr);
//now for part (ii)
//call the function
var highName = getHighestName(mountains);
//display name of highest mountain and its height
window.alert('The highest mountain is ' + highName);
//You could call the function inside the argument to the alert
//window.alert('The highest mountain is ' + getHighestName(mountains));
- There are alternatives to the above
The array can be declared with
mountains = new Array(10);
However, if you do this, you cannot use the condition mountains.length < 10 and will need to write
while(index < 10)
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