December 21, 2024
Smalltalk Blocks
Here is another example of a Dialog class message.
Dialog request: 'Enter an amount'
initialAnswer: '1000'
onCancel: [Dialog warn: 'You must
enter a valid number']
The message answer is '1000', or whatever input the user enters
before pressing OK
or nil if user cancels
The request:initialAnswer:onCancel message selector takes three arguments. The final argument [Dialog warn: 'You must enter a valid number'] is a block. Blocks are objects, instances of the class BlockClosure. If the user cancels the dialogue box, the code inside the block is executed. This occurs because the block is sent a value message from within the request:initialAnswer:onCancel method.
[Dialog warn: 'You must enter a valid number'] value
will produce this
Blocks are sometimes referred to as methods without a name and they are used to implement the concept of conditional selection or branching.
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