February 28, 2025
Smalltalk Usage and Syntax
The following examples illustrate typical usage and syntax of the language.
An example of a Smalltalk method that uses the default message answer.
"Initialise as for the superclass
and set height to 0.
Answer the receiver."
super initialize.
self height: 0
A method with an explicit answer expression.
"Answer the height of the receiver."
Next is an example of condition and selection:
(bg3Account balance > 1000000 and: [(bg3Account overLimit) >= 1000000])
ifTrue: [Dialog warn: 'Status: Platinum']
ifFalse: [((bg3Account balance) > 100000)
ifTrue: [Dialog warn: 'Status: Gold']
ifFalse: [Dialog warn: 'Status: Silver']].
The following code illustrates the use of assignment, collection classes, Date objects and blocks with either one or two arguments:
birthDays := Dictionary new.
at: 'Monet' put: (Date newDay: 14 month: #November year:
at: 'Pollock' put: (Date newDay: 28 month: #January
year: 1912);
at: 'de Kooning' put: (Date newDay: 24 month: #April
at: 'Turner' put: (Date newDay: 23 month: #April year:
at: 'Cezanne' put: (Date newDay: 19 month: #January
year: 1839);
at: 'Guston' put: (Date newDay: 27 month: #June year:
twentiethCenturyArtists := SortedCollection new.
birthDays keysAndValuesDo: [ :who :when |
(when year between: 1900 and: 1999)
ifTrue: [ twentiethCenturyArtists
add: who ]].
artistsString := 'List of 20th century artists in alphabetic order:'.
twentiethCenturyArtists do: [ :name |
artistsString := artistsString, '\', name ].
Dialog warn: artistsString withCRs.
This code creates an array of integers and initialises the total to zero before looping through the array.
scores := #( 78 67 82 81 77 77 76 ).
total := 0.
scores do: [ :each | total := total + each].
average := ( total / 7 ) rounded.
Dialog warn: 'Your average score was ' , average printString.
The following code uses to:by:do: that requires three arguments. The temporary variable is declared within the block.
name := 'Victoria & Albert Museum'.
numberOfConsonants := 0.
1 to: name size do: [ :index | | letter |
letter := name at: index.
(letter isAlphabetic and: [ letter isVowel not ])
ifTrue: [ numberOfConsonants := numberOfConsonants
+ 1] ].
Finally an example of a whileTrue: loop. The temporary variables are declared outside of the block. Comments are useful for adding clarity to the code.
| rats generations mothers babies |
"This makes a number of assumptions, including a female having a
litter of 10 every 21 days"
rats:= 2.
generations := 1.
[ rats < 3000 ] whileTrue:
[ mothers := (rats/2) asInteger. "avoids fractional
babies := mothers * 10.
rats := rats + babies.
generations := generations + 1.
Dialog warn: 'After ', (generations * 21) printString,
' days the colony has ', rats printString, ' rats'
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