February 28, 2025
The Quad NSR
The Quad Gallery System
The Quad Gallery sells works of art and presents exhibitions by a number of represented artists, both living and deceased. The number of artists represented by the gallery at any one time will vary. No two artists have the same name.
The gallery will hold at least one work by any represented artist. Works of art held by the gallery consist of either currently exhibited works or those held in storage. All works are for sale.
Some artists, but not all, are given an exhibition. There are two kinds of exhibition. Solo exhibitions show works of art created by just one artist. A group exhibition contains work by several artists. The gallery mounts only one exhibition at a time. An artist can only have one solo exhibition in any two-year period but there is no restriction on the number of group exhibitions that he or she may participate in. The number of works shown in an exhibition will vary, but may be as little as one. A work of art may be exhibited any number of times.
Artists produce at least one of four kinds of artwork; painting, drawing, print, and sculpture. Both solo and group exhibitions may contain any mixture of these kinds of work.
- All works of art are regarded as unique
- Each print in an edition is regarded as unique
- Print editions vary in size, but each edition size is fixed
- A work of art is created by one artist
The gallery maintains a record of buyers, who have either purchased work in the past, or who are regarded as potential purchasers. All buyers are invited to attend every exhibition. Buyers may or may not attend exhibitions. Buyers may purchase a work, or works, at an exhibition but they might also buy non-exhibited works. Exhibitions are also open to the public. Sometimes these visitors purchase works of art. No two buyers have the same name. Artists are not considered to be buyers.
For certain artists the demand for their work outstrips production. In these cases some buyers place an order for work, from an artist, prior to the work's creation. As a consequence, buyers are placed in a queue until such time as the artist has created the work. A buyer may have in place, at any time, several orders, each one for a different artist. The gallery assigns each buyer a priority, to determine his or her position in a queue. This priority may change with time. When the buyer has purchased the work of art he or she will be removed from the queue.
The Quad Gallery System (QGS) will provide support by doing the following:
- Record information about exhibitions, including the title, start date and end date
- Record information about sales, including the date of the sale, the name of the buyer, the title and price of the artwork and the name of the artist.
- Record information about orders, including the name of the buyer, the order number, the date of the order and the name of the relevant artist.
- Record information about all works of art held by the gallery, including (where relevant), price, framed price (for prints), title of the work, dimensions (height, width and depth - the latter is required for sculpture), media, year created, the number of the print and edition size, whether or not a painting or drawing is framed or unframed, a unique identifying code, the name of the artist.
- Record information about buyers, including their name, address, telephone number and priority
- Record information about living artists, including their name, address, telephone number and year of birth
- Record information about deceased artists, including their name and year of birth
- Record the showing of all works of art, including the title and date of the exhibition and the identifying code of the artwork
- Record information about all queues of buyers, including the name of each buyer, the name of the relevant artist and the unique identifying code of the queue
- Add an artist to the list of those represented
- Remove an artist from the list of those represented
- Add a work of art
- Remove a work of art
- Update the system whenever a work of art is sold
- Add a buyer to the list of buyers
- Remove a buyer from the list of buyers
- Change any recorded information for artwork, buyers and artists
- Add a buyer to a queue of buyers when an order has been placed
- Update the system after an order has been met
- Given the unique name of a buyer, the system will provide details of each order placed by the buyer, including order date, the name of the artist, for whose work the order has been placed, and the priority of the buyer
- Given the unique name of an artist, the system will provide a list of any works of art held by the gallery, including title, price and code
- Given the unique name of an artist, the system will provide a list of any solo exhibitions given to the artist, including title and start date
- Given the unique name of an artist, the system will provide a list of any prints created by the artist (by title) and the number of prints sold from each edition
- Given the unique code for a work of art, the system will provide a list of any exhibition in which it has been shown, including the title of the exhibition and its start and end date.
- Given the name of an artist, the title and start date of an exhibition, the system will provide the total amount of sales, of his/her work, for that exhibition
- Given the unique name of an artist, the system will provide a list of all sales of his or her work(s), including, for each work of art, the title and price
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