February 28, 2025
This represents a list of questions that some students have asked. Hopefully the answers will help others.
- Can you explain the difference between affordance and visibility?
- Is there a difference between a message answer and the textual representation of a message answer?
- Could you explain to me the concept of classes as instances of metaclasses?
- Why does 3.1 == 3.1 return false?
- Are floats immutable?
- Should we use ByteString or TwoByteString?
- Is it possible to reset the attributes of an initialised object to different types of objects?
- What is the difference between an instance method and a class method?
- I would like to know why we have a string literal defined as '123' and a number literal defined as 123? Why have two different ways to define an object and how would we use them?
- Can you give an example that might help me understand how to use block arguments?
- How do you append a character to a string?
- Can you give examples of Smalltalk usage and syntax?
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