February 28, 2025
The Quad NSR - Assumptions
Note that I have simplified many aspects of a real world gallery.
For example:
- I have assumed that a work of art is sold only once by the gallery, which in reality, if it was acting as a dealer and resold a piece at a later date, might not be the case.
- Once a work has been sold it would remain on display for the duration of the exhibition. I have not considered how this would be modelled.
- There is no Quad equivalent of Gilbert and George; everything is considered to be the work of a single artist. But then G and G like to think of themselves as a single entity.
- Editions of sculpture are likely to exist in the real world, but not here.
- With the queue of buyers' scenario it makes no difference if the artist is alive or dead. If he or she goes to the great watering hole in the sky, the estate has to be sorted out, but eventually a work will be delivered. That's the theory used here, but the reality is much murkier.
You might like to look at the controversies involving the Marlborough
gallery and the estates of Mark Rothko and Francis Bacon.
To quote a Marlborough spokesman:
"in relation to the allegation of blackmail, Marlborough rejects
it entirely."
Well that's it; confirmation, not that it was needed, of the complete
integrity of Marlborough. By the way, I omitted one crucial class that
should be required, Lawyer.
It is time to take a look at the NSR.
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